Knowledge Check - Session 25

The "Why We Need Universal Design" was very interesting because it posed situations I myself have never had to witness or experience. For example, the movie scenario had never crossed my mind. Going to the movies is something that is supposed to be a fun leisure activity available for everyone to enjoy yet it can becomes a very limiting activity for people in the deaf community. The universal design of the app Michael Nesmith created can be used by not only people with a hearing impairment but it can be catered to others' needs as well. I was not even aware this technology was available. It seems so obvious given the technological advances of the current time that this technology should be readily available for individuals to use. I found his statement about given the circumstances anyone can have a disability whether it be temporary or maybe not considered a disability in different situations. In my opinion that statement could not be more true. We're all at the mercy of circumstance and situation because disabilities can vary for everyone.
I chose the nature-based therapy podcast to listen to. I was unaware of people utilizing the different textures and elements found in nature to aid children who have sensory processing challenges. The nature-based therapy allows children to do child-like activities that aren't being simulated in a classroom. This type of therapy allows them to play in the mud, sand, or water in order to work on their sensory processing challenges. I really enjoyed this podcast because therapists such as Amy Seymore are helping these kids to experience playing outside just as their peers do. Conducting OT sessions outside also provides extra feedback for the kids and can demonstrate realistic situations that they might one day find themselves in just as the host had mentioned. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about this type of therapy technique because it resonated with me. It brought back memories of being a child playing outside in the mud and creeks just enjoying being a child.


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