Biomechanics Reflection #5

Body posture and proper body mechanics are essential to living a healthy and independent life. Forming good body mechanics and body posture early on can prevent body deformities, pain, and surgeries in the future. Having good posture while walking or sitting down can offer relief to current back pain or prevent future chronic pain that could be caused by the improper positioning. Practicing correct posture now can prevent future deformities that can develop such as swayback, kyphosis or lordosis. Using correct posture and body mechanics can also prevent disc injury and nerve damage in the spine. Learning good habits for body mechanics can help to prevent falls and injuries due to better body control.
First, before a therapist can implement an intervention method it is very important to look at all aspects of a client's life including their job. For example, if a client has a job that involves a lot of heavy lifting an effective intervention method to use could be showing the client the proper way to lift, which means keeping the back straight while bending at the hips and knees (as seen below). This method would reduce the stress on the client's back while lifting and could prevent future back injuries and pain.

For a client who spends a lot of time standing to do chores such as washing dishes a therapist could teach them how to prop one foot underneath a table or on a small step stool. This simple technique can help to relieve some of the pressure on their legs and promote better circulation in their lower extremity.


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